学校首页 材料加工与新材料研究中心
更新时间: 2020-02-24     访问次数: 1704

肖丹    博士  教授





有机合成,放射物理化学,阻燃,高分子, 纳米材料, 



20146 --- 20179月博士德国德累斯顿工业大学(Technische Universität DresdenTU Dresden)

20109 --- 20136硕士昆明理工大学

20069 --- 20106学士衡阳师范学院




20142 --- 201712  德国莱布尼茨德累斯顿高分子研究所(Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden, IPF)

20152 --- 20156西班牙马德里高等材料研究所(Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies of Materials, IMDEA Materials)



20152 --- 20156, STSM项目(资助编号: MP1105-090315-053686), 欧洲科学基金 COST MP1105框架,主持

20195 --- 20224, 科研启动资金, 福建工程学院,主持




1. Dan Xiao, Zhi Li, Uwe Gohs, Udo Wagennecht, Brigitte Voit, Deyi Wang. Functionalized allylamine polyphosphate as novel multifunctional highly efficient fire retardant for polypropylene. Polymer Chemistry, 2017, 8, 6309-6318.

2. Dan Xiao, Zhi Li, Xiaomin Zhao, Uwe Gohs, Udo Wagennecht, Brigitte Voit, Deyi Wang. Functional organoclay with high thermal stability and its synergistic effect on intumescent flame retardant polypropylene. Applied Clay Science, 2017, 143, 192-198.

3. Xiaomin Zhao, Dan Xiao, Juan Picón Alonso, Deyi Wang. Inclusion complex between beta-cyclodextrin and phenylphosphonicdiamide as novel bio-based flame retardant to epoxy: Inclusion behavior, characterization and flammability. Materials & Design, 2017, 114, 623-632.

4. Dan Xiao, Zhi Li, Sergio De Juan, Uwe Gohs, Udo Wagenknecht, Brigitte Voit, Deyi Wang. Preparation, fire behavior and thermal stability of a novel flame retardant polypropylene system. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2016, 125, 321-329.

5. Dan Xiao, Uwe Gohs, Udo Wagennecht, Zhi Li, Deyi Wang. Preparation of novel polyphosphate and its use as flame-retardant crosslinker to polymers under electron beam treatment. 2016, Eur. Patent. Nr.: EP 16200748.8.



1. Dan Xiao, Uwe Gohs, Udo Wagennecht, Brigitte Voit, Deyi Wang. Development and investigation of high performance fire retardant polypropylene composites. PPS Europe/Africa Conference. June 26 th -- 29 th, 2017, Dresden, Germany.

2. Dan Xiao, Uwe Gohs, Udo Wagennecht, Brigitte Voit, Deyi Wang. Novel flame retardant polypropylene based nanocomposites. 7th Asia-Europe Symposium on Processing and Properties of Reinforced Polymers (AESP7). February, 4 th -- 6 th, 2015, Madrid, Spain.

3. Xiaomin Zhao, Dan Xiao, Udo Wagennecht, Gert Heinrich, Deyi Wang. Novel eco-friendly flame-retardant coating to cotton textile. Aachen-Dresden-Denkendorf International Textile Conference. November 24 th -- 25 th, 2016, Dresden, Germany.



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