学校首页 材料加工与新材料研究中心
更新时间: 2018-09-29     访问次数: 2964

刘洋 男 博士 教授
















2015.08—2017.12 美国莱斯大学材料科学与纳米工程系联合培养博士








Ø  国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目

高分子加工过程大分子链运动、松弛行为与形态结构调控经费:100万元2015/01-2017/12 参与

Ø  国家自然科学基金面上项目:

低温加工条件下高分子量对映体聚乳酸立构复合晶体的可控形成及其机理经费:82万元 2014/01-2017/12 参与

Ø  四川省杰出青年学术技术带头人资助计划项目

全生物降解聚乳酸强韧化的关键科学问题与技术方法研究经费:45万元 2015/01-2017/12 参与

Ø  国家自然科学基金面上项目:

多相多组分聚合物体系界面问题的流变学研究   经费:38万元  2011/01-2013/12       参与


1.      Liu, Y.; Liang, C.; Wu, J.; Varma, S. J.; Nakanishi, Y.; Aliyan, A.; Martí, A. A.; Wang, Y.; Xie, B.; Kumar, J.; Layne, K.; Chopra, N.; Odeh, I.; Vajtai, R.; Thomas, J.; Peng, X.; Yang, W.; Ajayan, P. M. Mater. Today (IF=24.5),2018, Doi: 10.1016/j.mattod.2018.06.007.

  1. Yan, Wang#, Yang Liu#(共同一作), Jianfang Zhang#, Jingjie Wu, Hui Xu, Xiewen Wen, Xiang Zhang,      Chandra Sekhar Tiwary, Wei Yang, Robert Vajtai, Yong Zhang, Nitin Chopra,      Ihab Nizar Odeh, Yucheng Wu, Pulickel M. Ajayan et al., Cryo-mediated exfoliation and fracturing of layered materials      into 2D quantum dots, Science Advances (IF=11.5), 2017,      3(12): e1701500.

  2. Yang Liu, Guo-Qiang Qi, Cheng-Lu Liang, Rui-Ying Bao, Wei Yang, Bang-Hu Xie and      Ming-Bo Yang, Effect of graphite oxide structure on the formation of      stable self-assembled conductive reduced graphite oxide hydrogel, Journal      of Materials Chemistry C (IF=5.98), 2014, 2, 3846–3854.

  3. Sreekanth J Varma#, Jitesh Kumar#, Yang Liu#(共同一作), Katherine Layne, Jingjie Wu, Chenglu      Liang,Yusuke Nakanishi, Amir Aliyan, Wei Yang, Pulickel M. Ajayan, and Jayan      Thomas,2D TiS2 layers: A      superior nonlinear optical limiting material, Advanced Optical Materials      (IF=7.43), 2017, 5(24): 1700713.

  4. Liu Y, Liang C, Wu J, Sharifi T, Xu H, Nakanishi Y, Yang Y, Woellne CF,      Aliyan A, Martí AA, Xie B, Vajtai R, Yang W, and Ajayan PM, Atomic Layered      Titanium Sulfide Quantum Dots as Electrocatalysts for Enhanced Hydrogen      Evolution Reaction, Advanced Materials Interfaces (IF=4.83),      2017, 5(1): 1700895.

  5. Liu Y, Liang C-L, Bao R-Y,      Qi G-Q, Yang W, Xie B-H, and Yang M-B, Temperature: a nonnegligible factor      for the formation of a structurally stable, self-assembled reduced      graphite oxide hydrogel, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 10–15.

  6. Liu Y, Liang C-L, Wu J-j,      Bao R-Y, Qi G-Q, Wang Y, Yang W, Xie B-H, and Yang M-B, Solvent-controlled      formation of a reduced graphite oxide gel via hydrogen bonding, RSC      Advances, 2016, 6, 27267–27271.

  7. Liu Y#, She X#,      Zhang X#, Liang C, Wu J, Yu P, Nakanishi Y, Xie B, Xu H, Ajayan      P, and Yang W, Metallic 1T-TiS2 nanodots anchored on a 2D graphitic C3N4      nanosheet nanostructure with high electron transfer capability for      enhanced photocatalytic performance, RSC Advances, 2017, 7(87):      55269-75.

  1. Jie Yang, Guo-Qiang Qi, Yang      Liu, Rui-Ying Bao, Zheng-Ying Liu, Wei Yang, Bang-Hu Xie, Ming-Bo      Yang, Hybrid graphene aerogels/phase change material composites: Thermal      conductivity, shape-stabilization and light-to-thermal energy storage, Carbon,      2016, 100, 693-702.

  2. Cheng-Lu. Liang, Yang Liu,      Rui-Ying Bao, Y Zhang, Wei Yang, Y. Zhang, Bang-Hu. Xie, Ming-Bo Yang,      Sodium ascorbate assisted uniform distribution of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on      rGO surface: improved cycling and rate performance of rGO/Fe3O4 anode      material for lithium ion batteries, Nanocomposites, 2015,1 (3),      170-175.

  3. Cheng-Lu Liang, Yang Liu,      Rui-Ying Bao, Yong Luo, Wei Yang, Bang-Hu Xie, Ming-Bo Yang, Effects of      Fe3O4 loading on the cycling performance of Fe3O4/rGO composite anode      material for lithium ion batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2016, 678, 80-86.

  4. Sharifi, T.; Zhang, X.; Costin, G.; Yazdi, S.; Woellner, C.; Liu, Y.; Tiwary, C.; Ajayan, P.      Thermoelectricity enhanced electrocatalysis. Nano Letters, 2017,      17(12): 7908-7913.

  5. Qu, L.; Wang, N.; Xu, H.; Wang, W.; Liu, Y.; Kuo, L.; Yadav, T.; Wu, J.; Joyner, J.; Song, Y. Gold      Nanoparticles and g-C3N4 Intercalated Graphene Oxide Membrane for      Recyclable Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering. Advanced Functional      Materials, 2017, 27, 1701714.

  6. She, X.; Wu, J.; Zhong, J.; Xu, H.; Yang, Y.; Vajtai, R.; Lou, J.; Liu, Y.; Du, D.; Li, H.      Oxygenated monolayer carbon nitride for excellent photocatalytic hydrogen      evolution and external quantum efficiency. Nano Energy, 2016,      27, 138-146.

  7. She, X.; Wu, J.; Xu, H.; Zhong, J.; Wang, Y.; Song, Y.; Nie, K.; Liu, Y.; Yang, Y.; Rodrigues,      M.-T. F.; Vajtai, R.; Lou, J.; Du, D.; Li, H.; Ajayan, P. M. High      Efficiency Photocatalytic Water Splitting Using 2D α-Fe2O3/g-C3N4 Z-Scheme      Catalysts. Advanced Energy Materials, 7, 1700025.

  8. Yan, J.; Rodrigues, M. T. F.; Song, Z.; Li, H.; Xu, H.; Liu, H.; Wu,      J.; Xu, Y.; Song, Y.; Liu, Y.      Reversible Formation of g‐C3N4 3D Hydrogels through Ionic Liquid      Activation: Gelation Behavior and Room‐Temperature Gas‐Sensing Properties.      Advanced      Functional Materials 2017, 27, 1700653.

17.  Yang Liu, Chenglu Liang, Wei Yang, Hydrogen Bond Actuated Self-assembly of Reduced Graphite Oxide Hydrogel, 31st International Conference of the POLYMER PROCESSING SOCIETY, 2015

18.  刘洋,杨伟,聚碳酸酯热降解的温度依赖性,第二届高分子成型加工及其产业发展研讨会,中国成都,2015

19.  Yang Liu, The Size-dependent Nonlinear Optical and Electro-catalytical Property of 2D Materials, 2018 International Conference on Advanced Energy Materials, 2018, Oral.




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